Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

A California Privacy Notice containing information for California residents only, follows below. This Privacy Policy describes the data protection practices of Pop Acta Media, LLC (“Pop Acta,” “we,” “us,” “our”) and its related websites, publications, and services, (collectively, “Services”) and governs your use of Pop Acta’s websites and Services. We urge you to read this Privacy Policy carefully. Your access or use of our Services constitutes acceptance of all terms contained herein. If you do not agree to this Privacy Policy, do not use the Services.

Information We Collect

Personal Information

We may collect information that personally identifies, relates to, describes, or is capable of being associated with you (“Personal Information”), including:

  • Identifiers, including name, phone number, mailing address, email address, registration data, and other contact details.
  • Protected classification characteristics under federal or state law, including age (40 years or older).
  • Commercial information, including payment card or bank account information, responses to surveys, records of donations, records of personal property, products or services purchased, obtained, or considered, or other purchasing or consuming histories or tendencies.
  • Internet or other similar network activity, including IP address, browser type, operating system, browsing history, search history, and information about your interaction with a website, application, or advertisement.
  • Professional/employment information,including employer, or job title.
  • Inferences drawn from your Personal Information, including preferences, characteristics, psychological trends, predispositions, behavior, attitudes, intelligence, abilities, and aptitudes. For example, as part of our Services, we help our clients identify individuals who may want to make donations or otherwise further their agenda. We may collect donor information from our clients and compare such information with that received from other clients and the information we hold.
  • Personal information as described in Cal. Civ. Code § 1798.80(e) to the extent collected under another category of Personal Information above.

We do not knowingly collect Personal Information that may be considered Sensitive Personal Information under relevant privacy laws.

The type(s) of Personal Information we collect about you may vary based on how you use our Services and your relationship with us.

Usage Data and Site Activity

We automatically collect information in connection with the actions you take on our website (“Usage Data”). For example, each time you use our website, we may collect the type of web browser you use, the type of device you use, your device ID, your operating system and version, your IP address, your internet service provider, the pages you view, referring and exit pages, the date and time of your visit, and the number of clicks to, from, and within our website, and the duration of your visits to our website. Among other things, this data helps us estimate our audience size and usage patterns, recognize you when you return to our website, store information about your preferences, customize our website according to your interests, and speed up your searches. If the data we automatically collect is capable of being associated with you, directly or indirectly, we treat it as Personal Information under the categories of Identifiers or Internet or other electronic network information, as appropriate. If this information is not capable of being individually associated with you, we treat it as Usage Data.

Communication Recordings

We may record calls and retain the content of text messages, chat transcripts, or other written/electronic communications between you and us. By communicating with us, you consent to our recording and retention of communications.

How We Collect Information

We obtain information, including Personal Information, through a variety of sources, including:

  1. Directly from you when you use our Services, request information from us, sign up for one of our newsletters or publications, participate in surveys, or attend conferences or events.
  2. Through automated means when you use our Services; for example, when you visit our website, we may collect your IP address and other similar information.
  3. From others. We may collect other information about you from third parties and outside sources, such as affiliates, business partners, data analytics providers, public records, and marketing firms. This information collected from third party sources may be used to supplement the information that we collect directly from you to provide or improve our Services.

Cookies and Automated Tools

We and third parties may utilize “cookies” and other automated tools to track your clicks and pass information as you navigate the website. We and third parties use the following types of cookies on the website:

  • Strictly Necessary: These cookies are essential to operate the website.
  • Functional: These cookies enable certain features or non-essential functionality on our website. For example, we might use these cookies to recognize you and remember your preferences or the items in your shopping bag when you return to our website. This helps us provide you with a more personalized experience.
  • Analytics: These cookies help us and third parties understand how our website works and who is visiting our website.
  • Advertising: These cookies allow us and third parties to learn more about you, including your use of our website and other websites, and to advertise products or/services that might interest you as further indicated below.

We and third parties also use tools that enable us to track certain aspects of a user’s visit to our website or in our communications to you. These tools help us better manage content on our website by informing us what content is effective, how consumers engage with our website or communications, and how users arrive at and/or depart from our website. The software typically uses two methods to track user activity: (1) “tracking pixels” and (2) “clear gifs.” Tracking pixels are pieces of executable code embedded in a web page that track usage activity including which pages are viewed, when they are viewed, and how long the pages are viewed. Clear gifs are tiny graphics with unique identifiers embedded in web pages and email messages that track whether a user has viewed a web page or email message. The software may also track user engagement with our website or communications such as links and other content clicked on by the user. User activity information may be associated with additional information about a user’s session and Personal Information, if provided by the user.

Server logs capture certain non-personally identifying data, such as the time and date of a web visit, the browser and operating system being used, and the web URL a user linked from. This information is used in aggregate form to help us plan system enhancements when necessary and to provide content that is compatible with our visitors’ web-browsing systems. We also collect information about keyword searches performed by visitors on our website. We may keep logs of all words searched to help us learn what kinds of information our website visitors are seeking, and to improve our service to visitors.

If you arrive at our website by “clicking through” from another website, certain information about you that you provided to that other website, such as the terms you were searching on that led you to our website, may be transmitted to us and we may use it. You should review the privacy policy of any website from which you reached our website to determine what information that website collects and for what purpose(s) the website operators use that information. We may retain information about you provided to us by other websites and will use it in accordance with this Privacy Policy. Such information may be associated with other Usage Data or Personal Information.

Interested-Based Advertising

We may work with third-party advertisers, search providers, and ad networks (“Advertisers”) to learn more about you and show you ads or other content that we believe would be relevant to you. Advertisers may collect and use information about your use of our website or Services as well as other websites and services. These companies may use cookies and other online tracking technologies to collect and use your information. We and/or Advertisers may also append other data to the data collected by Advertisers to create an interest profile of individual users. Our Privacy Policy does not cover any use by an Advertiser of information that they may collect from you. Advertisements may be shown via our website or on third-party websites. If you do not want to receive interest-based advertising, please visit the Network Advertising Initiative’s Consumer Opt-Out link, the Digital Advertising Alliance’s Consumer Opt-Out link, or Your Online Choices. Those websites allows you to opt-out of one or more interest-based advertising networks. Opt-outs are device and browser specific; therefore, you must set your opt-out preferences for each device and browser. Deleting browser cookies can remove your opt-out preferences; however, the DAA offers browser extensions that help preserve the opt-out preferences you set on the DAA’s Consumer Choice Page. Please note that opt-outs only apply to interest-based advertising. You may still receive other types of online advertising.

How We Use Your Information

We may use categories of Personal Information for general business purposes as identified in the chart below.

Processing Purpose Categories of Personal Information
To respond to governmental and other legal requests or to comply with applicable laws. All categories
To provide and improve our Services. -Identifiers

-Protected classification characteristics under federal or state law

-Commercial information

-Internet or other electronic network activity information

-Professional/employment information

-Inferences drawn from your Personal Information

To send you newsletters or other information you have requested. -Identifiers

-Protected classification characteristics under federal or state law

-Commercial information

-Internet or other electronic network activity information

-Professional/employment information

-Inferences drawn from your Personal Information

To understand you and your preferences to enhance your experience and enjoyment using our websites. -Identifiers

-Protected classification characteristics under federal or state law

-Commercial information

-Internet or other electronic network activity information

-Professional/employment information

-Inferences drawn from your Personal Information

To contact you about your use of our websites and to provide important website updates. -Identifiers

-Protected classification characteristics under federal or state law

-Commercial information

-Internet or other electronic network activity information

-Professional/employment information

-Inferences drawn from your Personal Information

To respond to your comments and questions and provide customer service. -Identifiers

-Protected classification characteristics under federal or state law

-Commercial information

-Internet or other electronic network activity information

-Professional/employment information

-Inferences drawn from your Personal Information

To request feedback and to enable us to develop, customize and improve our website. -Identifiers

-Protected classification characteristics under federal or state law

-Commercial information

-Internet or other electronic network activity information

-Professional/employment information

-Inferences drawn from your Personal Information

To send you surveys or questionnaires. -Identifiers

-Protected classification characteristics under federal or state law

-Commercial information

-Internet or other electronic network activity information

-Professional/employment information

-Inferences drawn from your Personal Information

To communicate with you about new contests, promotions and rewards, upcoming events, and other news offered by us or our selected partners. -Identifiers

-Protected classification characteristics under federal or state law

-Commercial information

-Internet or other electronic network activity information

-Professional/employment information

-Inferences drawn from your Personal Information

To use for editorial purposes, such as to contact you about content you have submitted to our website or to give attribution to content you submit. -Identifiers

-Protected classification characteristics under federal or state law

-Commercial information

-Internet or other electronic network activity information

-Professional/employment information

-Inferences drawn from your Personal Information

To link or combine it with other Personal Information we get from third parties, to help understand your needs and preferences, and provide you with better service and opportunities to participate across our brands (i.e. to receive our publications, to donate money to specific campaigns). -Identifiers

-Protected classification characteristics under federal or state law

-Commercial information

-Internet or other electronic network activity information

-Professional/employment information

-Inferences drawn from your Personal Information

To investigate and take action against fraudulent or illegal activity or improper conduct. -Identifiers

-Protected classification characteristics under federal or state law

-Commercial information

-Internet or other electronic network activity information

-Professional/employment information

-Inferences drawn from your Personal Information

To use, store, or report your information for any other lawful purpose. -Identifiers

-Protected classification characteristics under federal or state law

-Commercial information

-Internet or other electronic network activity information

-Professional/employment information

-Inferences drawn from your Personal Information

We may also use Personal Information as described to you at the point of collection, with your consent, or as otherwise required or permitted by applicable laws.

We may aggregate or de-identify information collected through our Services, and we may use such information for any purpose and may share such data with third parties.

How We Share and Disclose Your Personal Information

Service Providers

We may disclose your Personal Information to other businesses that provide services to us or on our behalf (“Service Providers”). Categories of Service Providers we use include:

  • Fulfillment and account servicing vendors, which help us provide Services and information to you;
  • Payment processors, which help us to accept and process the payments for our products/services to you;
  • Marketing and communications vendors, which help us market our products/services to you, conduct promotions, surveys, and other outreach campaigns;
  • Research and development vendors, which help us develop and improve our products and Services;
  • Data and business analytics vendors, which help us collect, analyze, and improve the accuracy of our data (including Personal Information);
  • IT and network administration vendors, which provide services such as data storage and management, website hosting, and data security;
  • Professional service firms, which provide accounting, legal, auditing, and other professional services; and
  • General service providers, which help us with day-to-day business operations such as office support services, courier services, facilities management, and document destruction.

In the last year, we may have disclosed each category of Personal Information that we collect (listed above) to Service Providers.

Third-Party Selling and Sharing

We may sell or share (for targeted or cross-context behavioral advertising purposes) your Personal Information with other companies who do not provide services to us (“Third Parties”). Relevant categories of Third Parties include:

  • Affiliates and subsidiaries. We may sell Personal Information to affiliates for their own use. In the past year, we sold the following categories of Personal Information: Identifiers, Commercial information, and Personal Information as described in Cal. Civ. Code § 1798.80(e).
  • Our clients and business partners. We may sell Personal Information to our clients and business partners for their own use. In the past year, we sold the following categories of Personal Information: Identifiers, Commercial information, and Personal Information as described in Cal. Civ. Code § 1798.80(e).
  • Advertising, social media, and analytics companies. We may sell or share Personal Information or Usage Data to advertising, social media, and analytics companies, for example by allowing these Third Parties to collect such data from our website as described in more detail above. In the past year, we sold and shared the following categories of Personal Information: Identifiers, Commercial information, Internet or other electronic network activity information, and personal information as described in Cal. Civ. Code § 1798.80(e).

Other Third-Party Disclosures

We may occasionally disclose your Personal Information to Third Parties, for purposes such as:

  • To comply with the law;
  • To respond to legal requests (including court orders, investigative demands and subpoenas) if, in our discretion, we believe it is necessary or appropriate;
  • To prevent or stop any illegal, unethical, or legally actionable activity;
  • To protect the safety, property, or rights of ourselves, consumers, or any other third party;
  • If we are merged, acquired, or sold, or in the event of a divestiture, restructuring, reorganization, or transfer of some or all of our assets and the disclosure is necessary to complete the transaction;
  • To businesses controlling, controlled by, or under common control with us; and
  • For additional purposes with your consent where such consent is required by law.

In the past twelve months, we may have disclosed each category of Personal Information to Third Parties for the purposes listed above.

Your Rights and Choices

Unsubscribing from Our Email or Text Communications

You have choices about how we communicate with you and how we process certain Personal Information about you. You may opt-out of receiving communications from us at any time by following unsubscribe links and instructions provided in any email or text that you receive from us, or by contacting us:

If you opt-out of communications from us, we may continue to send you certain communications such as service announcements and administrative messages that relate to us and our websites that are necessary to our relationship with you.

Your Sharing of Personal Information

Please be aware when you connect and share your actions, comments, content and information, for example, through discussion board postings on our websites, those actions are not private. Others may capture Personal Information you post, including your email address, and may use the data to identify or contact you, including to send you communications. We cannot control, nor are we responsible for, such actions by others. Please be mindful of your own privacy needs as you choose who to connect with and what to share and make public. If you share information about others, please respect their privacy and get consent for any information you may share about them.

Additional Privacy Rights

If you are a resident of California, Colorado, Connecticut, Montana, Oregon, Texas, Utah, or Virginia, you may have additional rights to access and control your Personal Information. Exemptions may apply. Consumer privacy rights for residents of these states include:

Right to Know

You have the right to request twice per 12-month period that we provide you (i) the categories or specific pieces of Personal Information we collected about you; (ii) the categories of sources from which we collected your Personal Information; (iii) the business or commercial purpose for which we collected your Personal Information; and (iv) the categories of third parties with whom we sold, shared, or disclosed your Personal Information, including the categories of Personal Information sold, shared, or disclosed to each and the purposes for doing so. We are not permitted to provide access to specific pieces of Personal Information that creates a high risk of potential harm from disclosure to an unauthorized person such as social security numbers and driver’s license numbers. To protect consumers’ Personal Information, you must provide required information and/or documentation to verify your identity. We will process verified requests within 45 days, subject to any applicable exceptions and extensions permitted by law.

If you are an Oregon resident, you have the right to request once per 12-month period that we provide you with a list of specific third parties to whom we disclosed (a) your Personal Information or (b) any Personal Information. We have the discretion to determine whether to provide you with the list of specific third parties to whom we disclosed your Personal Information or any Personal Information.

Right to Delete

You have the right to request that we delete any Personal Information we have collected about you. Please understand that we are not required to honor a deletion request if a legal exemption applies such as if we need the information to complete a requested or reasonably anticipated transaction, prevent security incidents or fraud, enable internal uses that are reasonably aligned with your expectations, or comply with legal obligations. We will process verified requests within 45 days, subject to any applicable exceptions and extensions permitted by law. To prevent unauthorized individuals from making deletion requests, you must provide required information and/or documentation to verify your identity. We will retain a copy of your deletion request for at least two years as required by law.

Right to Correct

You have the right to request that we correct inaccurate Personal Information we maintain about you. After you request to correct inaccurate Personal Information, we will provide instructions for you to provide us with optional documentation to support your request and we will consider it. We may decline to correct your Personal Information if a legal exemption applies such as if we determine that your request is fraudulent or abusive or if we determine, based on the totality of the circumstances, that your correction is more likely inaccurate than accurate. We may decide to delete your allegedly inaccurate Personal Information instead of correcting it. We will process verified requests within 45 days, subject to any applicable exceptions and extensions permitted by law.

Right to Opt-Out from the Sale or Sharing of Personal Information

You have the right to direct us not to sell or share (for targeted advertising) your Personal Information to third parties. We will process verified requests as soon as possible, subject to any applicable exceptions and extensions permitted by law.

Right to Appeal

You have the right to appeal our decision to deny, in full or in part, one or more of your privacy requests. We will process appeal requests within 45 days of receipt, subject to any applicable exemptions and extensions permitted by law. If we deny your appeal, we will provide you with a written explanation of the reasons for our decision. If you are not satisfied with our explanation for the denial of your appeal, you may have an additional right under certain laws to contact your state Attorney General to submit a complaint about the appeal results. In such case, we will provide you with instructions for doing so.

Submitting Privacy Rights Requests

You may submit a request to exercise one of the privacy rights identified above by:

Before processing your request, we may need to verify your identity and confirm you are a resident of a state that offers the requested right(s). In order to verify your identity, we will generally either require the successful authentication of your email, or the matching of sufficient information you provide us to the information we maintain about you in our systems. As a result, we may request certain reasonable additional information (that may include Personal Information) to help us authenticate your identity, your request, and to clarify or understand the scope of such requests. If we are unable to verify your identity or if we suspect fraudulent activity, we may decline to comply with your request.

Authorized Agent

If you are an authorized agent submitting a request for another consumer, you must provide a copy of a lawful power of attorney or written authorization from the consumer on whose behalf your are submitting the request (along with proof of your identity). If you do not provide such information when submitting the request, you will be provided options on how to provide this documentation after submitting the request. We may contact you or the consumer on whose behalf you claim to act to verify your authorization.

Non-Discrimination Notice

Should you wish to request the exercise of your rights as detailed above, we will not discriminate against you by offering you different pricing or services, or by providing you with a different level or quality of services, based solely upon your request.

California “Do Not Track” Disclosure

Do Not Track is a web browser privacy preference that causes the web browser to broadcast a signal to websites requesting that a user’s activity not be tracked. Currently, our website and Services do not respond to “do not track” signals.

Information Retention

We may retain the Personal Information described in this Privacy Policy for as long as you use our websites, Services, or as necessary to fulfill the purpose(s) for which it was collected, provide our Services, resolve disputes, establish legal defenses, conduct audits, pursue legitimate business purposes, enforce our agreements, and comply with applicable laws.

Children’s Privacy

The Services are intended for general audiences and not for children under age of 13. If we become aware that we have inadvertently collected Personal Information from children under the age of 13 without valid parental consent, we will take reasonable steps to delete it as soon as possible. We also do not knowingly sell or share the Personal Information of individuals under the age of 16 in a manner that constitutes a “sale” or “share” under applicable law.

Information Security

We take reasonable steps online and offline to safeguard the Personal Information that you provide to us. We utilize a variety of technical and organizational security measures to protect the information provided to use from loss, misuse, and unauthorized access, disclosure, alternation, or destruction. However, it is common knowledge that transmission of information via the Internet is not wholly secure, and we cannot guarantee or warrant the security of your Personal Information, transmitted to or through our websites or Services or otherwise provided to us, and we cannot be responsible for the theft, destruction, or inadvertent disclosure of such information. It is your responsibility to safeguard any passwords, ID numbers, or other special access features associated with your use of the Services. Any transmission of information is at your own risk.

If you have any questions about security on our websites, or if you become aware of any unauthorized use of an account, loss of your account credentials, or suspect a security breach, notify us immediately at the email or address provided at the end of this Privacy Policy. If our security system is breached, we will notify you of the breach to the extent required under applicable law.

Privacy Policy Changes

We reserve the right, at our discretion, to change, modify, add, or remove portions of this Privacy Policy at any time. We will post any changes to this Privacy Policy on our websites. By continuing to use our Services, you are confirming that you have read and understood the latest version of our Privacy Policy.

Privacy Rights Requests Reporting Metrics

The following chart indicates the privacy rights requests we received in the 2023 calendar year.

Request Type Number of requests received Number of requests fulfilled Number of requests denied Median number of days to respond
Right to Opt-Out from the Sale or Sharing of Personal Information 0      
Right to Know 0      
Right to Delete 0      
Limit Use of Sensitive
Personal Information
Right to Correct 0      
Right to Appeal 0      

Contact Us

If you have any questions or comments about this Privacy Policy, please contact us by:

This Privacy Policy was last updated on July 12, 2024.

California Privacy Notice

Last Updated: July 12, 2024

This California Privacy Notice (the “Privacy Notice” or “Notice”) provides limited information to California residents only about how Pop Acta (“Pop Acta,” “we,” “us,” “our”) and its related websites, publications, and services, (collectively, “Services”) collects, uses, and discloses Personal Information (as defined below). For more details about our privacy practices and any privacy rights you may have, please see our Privacy Policy.

Information We Collect

Personal Information

We may collect information that personally identifies, relates to, describes, or is capable of being associated with you (“Personal Information”), including:

  • Identifiers, including name, phone number, mailing address, email address, registration data, and other contact details.
  • Protected classification characteristics under federal or state law, including age (40 years or older).
  • Commercial information, including payment card or bank account information, responses to surveys, records of donations, records of personal property, products or services purchased, obtained, or considered, or other purchasing or consuming histories or tendencies.
  • Internet or other similar network activity, including IP address, browser type, operating system, browsing history, search history, and information about your interaction with a website, application, or advertisement.
  • Professional/employment information,including employer, or job title.
  • Inferences drawn from your Personal Information, including preferences, characteristics, psychological trends, predispositions, behavior, attitudes, intelligence, abilities, and aptitudes. For example, as part of our Services, we help our clients identify individuals who may want to make donations or otherwise further their agenda. We may collect donor information from our clients and compare such information with that received from other clients and the information we hold.
  • Personal information as described in Cal. Civ. Code § 1798.80(e) to the extent collected under another category of Personal Information above.

We do not collect Personal Information that may be considered Sensitive Personal Information under relevant privacy laws.

The type of Personal Information we collect about you may vary based on how you use our Services and your relationship with us.

Usage Data and Site Activity

We automatically collect information in connection with the actions you take on our website (“Usage Data”). For example, each time you use our website, we may collect the type of web browser you use, the type of device you use, your device ID, your operating system and version, your IP address, your internet service provider, the pages you view, referring and exit pages, the date and time of your visit, and the number of clicks to, from, and within our website, and the duration of your visits to our website. Among other things, this data helps us estimate our audience size and usage patterns, recognize you when you return to our website, store information about your preferences, customize our website according to your interests, and speed up your searches. If the data we automatically collect is capable of being associated with you, directly or indirectly, we treat it as Personal Information under the categories of Identifiers or Internet or other electronic network information, as appropriate. If this information is not capable of being individually associated with you, we treat it as Usage Data.

Communication Recordings

We may record calls and retain the content of text messages, chat transcripts, or other written/electronic communications between you and us. By communicating with us, you consent to our recording and retention of communications.

How We Use Information

We may use categories of Personal Information for general business purposes as identified in the chart below.

Processing Purpose Categories of Personal Information
To respond to governmental and other legal requests or to comply with applicable laws. All categories
To provide and improve our Services. Identifiers

Protected classification characteristics under federal or state law

Commercial information

Internet or other electronic network activity information

Professional/employment information

Inferences drawn from your Personal Information

To send you newsletters or other information you have requested. Identifiers

Protected classification characteristics under federal or state law

Commercial information

Internet or other electronic network activity information

Professional/employment information

Inferences drawn from your Personal Information

To understand you and your preferences to enhance your experience and enjoyment using our websites. Identifiers

Protected classification characteristics under federal or state law

Commercial information

Internet or other electronic network activity information

Professional/employment information

Inferences drawn from your Personal Information

To contact you about your use of our websites and to provide important website updates. Identifiers

Protected classification characteristics under federal or state law

Commercial information

Internet or other electronic network activity information

Professional/employment information

Inferences drawn from your Personal Information

To respond to your comments and questions and provide customer service. Identifiers

Protected classification characteristics under federal or state law

Commercial information

Internet or other electronic network activity information

Professional/employment information

Inferences drawn from your Personal Information

To request feedback and to enable us to develop, customize and improve our website. Identifiers

Protected classification characteristics under federal or state law

Commercial information

Internet or other electronic network activity information

Professional/employment information

Inferences drawn from your Personal Information

To send you surveys or questionnaires. Identifiers

Protected classification characteristics under federal or state law

Commercial information

Internet or other electronic network activity information

Professional/employment information

Inferences drawn from your Personal Information

To communicate with you about new contests, promotions and rewards, upcoming events, and other news offered by us or our selected partners. Identifiers

Protected classification characteristics under federal or state law

Commercial information

Internet or other electronic network activity information

Professional/employment information

Inferences drawn from your Personal Information

To use for editorial purposes, such as to contact you about content you have submitted to our website or to give attribution to content you submit. Identifiers

Protected classification characteristics under federal or state law

Commercial information

Internet or other electronic network activity information

Professional/employment information

Inferences drawn from your Personal Information

To link or combine it with other Personal Information we get from third parties, to help understand your needs and preferences, and provide you with better service and opportunities to participate across our brands (i.e. to receive our publications, to donate money to specific campaigns). Identifiers

Protected classification characteristics under federal or state law

Commercial information

Internet or other electronic network activity information

Professional/employment information

Inferences drawn from your Personal Information

To investigate and take action against fraudulent or illegal activity or improper conduct. Identifiers

Protected classification characteristics under federal or state law

Commercial information

Internet or other electronic network activity information

Professional/employment information

Inferences drawn from your Personal Information

To use, store, or report your information for any other lawful purpose. Identifiers

Protected classification characteristics under federal or state law

Commercial information

Internet or other electronic network activity information

Professional/employment information

Inferences drawn from your Personal Information

We may also use Personal Information as described to you at the point of collection, with your consent, or as otherwise required or permitted by applicable laws.

We may aggregate or de-identify information collected through our Services, and we may use such information for any purpose and may share such data with third parties.

Third-Party Selling and Sharing

We may sell or share (for targeted or cross-context behavioral advertising purposes) your Personal Information with other companies who do not provide services to us (“Third Parties”). Relevant categories of Third Parties include:

  • Affiliates and subsidiaries. We may sell Personal Information to affiliates for their own use. In the past year, we sold the following categories of Personal Information: Identifiers, Commercial information, and Personal Information as described in Cal. Civ. Code § 1798.80(e).
  • Our clients and business partners. We may sell Personal Information to affiliates for their own use. In the past year, we sold the following categories of Personal Information: Identifiers, Commercial information, and Personal Information as described in Cal. Civ. Code § 1798.80(e).
  • Advertising, social media, and analytics companies. We may sell or share Personal Information or Usage Data to advertising, social media, and analytics companies, for example by allowing these Third Parties to collect such data from our website as described in more detail above. In the past year, we sold and shared the following categories of Personal Information: Identifiers, Commercial information, Internet or other electronic network activity information, and personal information as described in Cal. Civ. Code § 1798.80(e).

We also do not knowingly sell or share the Personal Information of individuals under the age of 16 in a manner that constitutes a “sale” or “share” under applicable law.

You have the right to opt-out of our sale and/or sharing of your Personal Information, which you can exercise by:

How Long We Retain Your Data

We retain the Personal Information we receive as described in this Privacy Policy for as long as you use our websites or as necessary to fulfill the purpose(s) for which it was collected, provide our Services, resolve disputes, establish legal defenses, conduct audits, pursue legitimate business purposes, enforce our agreements, and comply with applicable laws.